Tuesday, July 3, 2012

'The Bachelorette' Recap: Hometown Dates and Heartbreak

Emily Maynard Bachelorette PR Image - P 2012

On this week's The Bachelorette, its the all-important hometown dates, where Emily Maynard travels to the homes of her four remaining suitors and meets their eager families.

[Warning: Spoilers if you havent seen Mondays episode.]

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First, Emily drops by her own place, to see her daughter Ricki, and remind viewers that shes a single mom -- in case you hadnt noticed.

Chris Hometown
Emily goes to Chicago to meet Chris and his Polish family. They go to a Polish bar to catch up, and then she goes to their home, where she has semi-awkward but very positive private conversations with Chris parents. Only his sister expresses any sign of concern about this made-for-TV romance. After awkwardly professing his love, Chris surprises Emily with a very polish backyard celebration. Emily leaves the date very happy, but is everything just a little too good to be true?

Jefs Hometown
The next stop is Utah to visit Jef and his familys ranch house. They play with guns (which Emily is great at), and then meet Jefs siblings because his parents are conveniently away. Jefs brother expresses his concern to Jef about him becoming a dad, and that hes never really had an interest in wanting kids.

STORY: 'Bachelorette': Emily Maynard Sends Contestant Home for Calling her 'Trophy Wife'

Emily chats with Jefs brother and wins his sisters over by expressing her love for kids. (Moms love moms!) Later, Jef professes his love for Emily with a letter.

Ive realized Im completely in love with everything about you, he says, and then lists nearly everything about her. Literally.

But the letter obviously wins over Emilys heart, as she says, That was honestly like the sweetest thing anyone has ever, ever said to me.

Aries Hometown
Next its off the Scottsdale, Arizona, for Aries hometown. They visit the racetrack, obviously. Arie warns that his family is different, but doesnt elaborate. Turns out his family likes to chat in Dutch, which leaves Emily pretty out of the loop. Aries mom grills Emily about her relationship with Brad Womack, and makes sure to mention that she herself has been married for 31 years. Arie ends the date by emphasizing his love for Emily.

STORY: 'Bachelorette': Emily Maynard Questions Contestant's Previous Relationship With Show Producer

Seans Hometown
Sean and his dogs meet Emily in Dallas. They hang out in a grassy field, and later, Sean, 28, drops a bomb: he still lives with his parents. He takes her into his room, which is a mess, and we all wonder what Emily is gonna do with this. But then, Sean says, Im kidding! Its all a practical joke. Seans dad is nice, and they have a good heart-to-heart. And at the end of the date, Sean makes one of the more poetic comments The Bachelorette has ever had: You never want that moment to end. When she drives off, it just means that moment is ending.

The Rose Ceremony
Emily is pretty torn up about sending one guy home.

She gives the first rose to Arie, and then the next to Jef. Sean is given the final rose, so Chris is sent home. Chris wants answers from Emily, who explains that her relationships with the other men were just progressing faster.

When he gets in the limo, he falls apart, saying, Im 10 times the man than [expletive] all those dudes that are still in there right now.

Emily and the remaining three men will head to the tropical island of Curacao next.

What did you think of the hometown dates? Did Emily make the right choice? Leave your comments below.


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