Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gavin Smith Mystery: Family Seeks Answers in Disappearance of Fox Exec (Video)

Gavin Smith Missing P 2012

The mysterious disappearance of Los Angeles-based 20th Century Fox executive Gavin Smith is making headlines on the national stage as his family seeks answers to his whereabouts.

Smith, 57, worked in Fox's distribution department for nearly 18 years as the branch manager for theaters in Dallas and Oklahoma City. In his Fox post, Smith served as a liaison between the studio and theaters, making sure films get to their destination.

He disappeared last Tuesday, when he was last seen in his Mercedes 420E sedan that evening near the Oak Park, Calif., home he shares with his family.

"We are very concerned about Gavin," Fox distribution president Chris Aronson told The Hollywood Reporter, adding that the studio is "actively doing what we can to assist the L.A. Sheriff's department." Aronson said there was no prior indication of any isues that might have led to Smith's disappearance.

When he did not turn up after several days, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department issued a special missing persons bulletin, enlisting public support in the search for Smith. Meanwhile, Smith's wife and children set up a "Find Gavin Smith" website, and his oldest son, Evan Smith, is spreading the word on Twitter, writing: "I will not stop until I find my father. A son never gives up on his father."

The forward for the USC basketball team continued his campaign to find Smith in an interview with ABC News that aired on Tuesday's Good Morning America.

STORY: Fox Exec Missing For Days, Studio Worried

"He would never do anything like that. He's a great father. My dad had no reason to leave. No reason at all," the said, dismissing a question of whether his father had perhaps taken off and left.

Smith's wife, Lisa Smith, was also interviewed and pleaded for her husband's safety.

"We want you to come home, baby," she said. "Our world is not right without you. ... Be safe."

Gavin Smith, an ex-champion UCLA basketball player, was staying with a family friend on Tuesday night after returning from a movie convention in Las Vegas. He was supposed to stay overnight there, according to the Smiths.

"They had already gone to bed," said Lisa Smith. "So, he was still downstairs watching TV when our friend went to bed. And he was going to be coming up to bed shortly."

She said he was supposed to drive their son, Austin, to school last Wednesday morning.

The tan, blonde exec could not be traced through his cell phone, credit card or car; he left behind personal items such as his cell phone charger and shaving kit, and had been sporting purple pants belonging to one of his kids.

"That's what he was wearing, you know? It doesn't sound like he was going anywhere, you know?" Evan Smith told ABC News.

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