Friday, May 11, 2012

'Vampire Diaries': Elena Makes Her Choice, a Big Death and Game-Changing Twists

Vampire Diaries Dangerous Liasons Nina Dobrev - H 2012
Quantrell D. Colbert/The CW

The Vampire Diaries closed out the season of the Originals with several shocking twists -- including one very big game-changer that may give Mystic Falls a run for its money.

[Warning: Do not proceed if you did not watch the season finale. Major spoilers ahead.]

1. Which Salvatore brother did Elena choose? The choice was revealed when Matt posed the ultimatum to the indecisive Gilbert, who up to that point, was weighing the pros and cons of both being with Stefan (the "good" brother) and Damon (the "dangerous" one). With news that the all-powerful Alaric had staked Klaus, that meant time was of the essence for the vampires because of their supposed bond to Klaus. In the phone conversation with Damon, Elena broke the news that she was heading "home" (aka Mystic Falls) to go to Stefan while Damon was 100 miles away. "I care about you Damon, which is why I have to let you go," Elena says on the phone. It references a similar conversation shared in flashback, but Elena was referring to then-boyfriend Matt. (The Stefan choice was foreshadowed by a dramatic -- and some would say, long-awaited -- Stelena kiss minutes prior, though it took place under less certain circumstances.)

2. Is Klaus really [spoiler]? We knew there was no way Klaus could actually be dead. Even if Klaus as we knew him was, there was no way the character would be killed off without major consequences or an unexpected twist. Sure enough, both happened in the finale. Though the Klaus we've known (in the form of Joseph Morgan) is dead, it was revealed -- and quite nicely in what truly was a "WTF?!" moment-- that Klaus is now in the form of Tyler. And Bonnie was in on it all along. What does this mean for everyone involved? And who will be the first to find out Klaus' new "identity"?

3. Elena didn't meet Stefan first. During the phone conversation Elena had with Damon, when she broke the news that she wasn't going to him, there were hints to the pastthat Elena might not have been aware of. As executive producer Julie Plec teased to reporters, there was an event that took place (not Earth-shattering or game-changing, perhaps) that could potentially shift things for the three mains: Damon, Elena and Stefan. It was actuallyDamon who Elena met after her phone call with her mother and Aunt Jenna, only there was no way she could ever remember thanks to Damon's decision to compel her to forget. "What is it that I want?" Elena asks Damon. "You want a love that consumes you. You want passion and adventure and even a little danger," Damon replies. Knowing nowthat Damon was the first Salvatore brother she met ("can't let people know I'm in town yet," Damon says after compelling her), does it matter at this point? Will she even find out?

4. Did Elena just [spoiler]? What a way to cap off a season. Not only did Elena force Stefan to save her friend Matt, but Dr. Meredith Fell does something that ultimately saves her life -- even if it has unknown repercussions. In an Avatar-like moment, Elena comes back to life after seemingly being dead. Did she just turn into a vampire -- or something supernatural-y?!

5. Alaric dies, for real this time. After almost dying in last week's episode, this time around, Alaric's death sticks. Though in Mystic Falls, anything (and everything) can happen. What are your thoughts on saying goodbye to the former history teacher?

The episode, "The Departed," also featured some rather funny quips. Here are some of the most entertaining Damon moments from the episode:

- "Have I told you lately how much I appreciate you not being the dumbest brother on Earth?" -- Damon

- "Our life is one big proverbial coin toss." -- Damon

- The funniest scene had Damon chiming in via iPhone while Elijah persuaded Elena, Matt and Stefan to bring Klaus' body back to him. At one point during the discussion, Damon jumps in to shoot down Elijah's plan: "No, no, no, no, no! Did I mention, no!"

What did you think of the season three finale? Was it all you hoped for and more? What are you hoping will be addressed in season four?


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