Sunday, May 6, 2012

'GCB' Finale Guest Star Sandra Bernhard on Going 'Revolutionary' on the Women (Video)

Sandra Bernhard GCB
Karen Neal/ ABC
Sandra Bernhard guest stars on the "GCB" season finale on ABC.

GCB fans have been hearing about Carlenes (Kristin Chenoweth) Condos for Christian Living project all season. On Sundays season finale, its time to finally break ground in unincorporated Juarez but guest star Sandra Bernhard throws a wrench in the works.

The actress and comedian plays Debby Horowitz, a Jewish-slash-something tribal activist who takes extreme measures to stop the project.

VIDEO: 'GCB's' Mark Deklin, Miriam Shor on Their 'White Marriage,' Babies and Whether Blake Will Ever Come Out

Shes down in Mexico trying to protect the land against these land grabbing, money making, fast scheme types of people, Bernhard tells The Hollywood Reporter. She just steps in and crushes the plot and holds the girls hostage until they give up and leave. Shes funny. Shes crazy. She considers herself to be one-fourth Mahwah, like one of those ancient tribes, Mexican, Incas or something. Shes funny, off the wall, a revolutionary, and just the right character to shake up the bowels.

Series creator Robert Harling approached Bernhard with the part, though he wasnt sure shed want to do it. I was like, of course I want to do it, Bernhard says.

I want to be back on TV constantly, especially with people I have so much respect for, she continues. The scripts are all great. Its totally right up my alley. Its irreverent and just biting and funny, and just old school hysterical.

VIDEO: 'GCB's' Leslie Bibb on Playing a Reformed Mean Girl: 'There's Still a Little GCB Up in Her

Although she doesnt get to sing on the episode, Bernhard says she walked away from the experience with a new musical idea for her one-woman show, Sandrology, which shes performing at L.A.s REDCAT starting May 30.

The fun thing was that Kristin and I actually sang during the breaks and stuff, she says. And I was telling her how my original idea was to become a musical Broadway star and she loves my voice. So, we did kind of sing together and have fun. She encouraged me to pursue my dreams. So, now Im doing a piece for my show thats sort of based on that conversation and I sing a song from Hello Dolly and it was all inspired by Kristin.

Watch Bernhard and Chenoweth spar against one another on the season finale in the preview clip below.

TheGCBseason finale airs Sunday at 10 p.m. on ABC.

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